Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Leaving ...A Time for Primitives

In the pass couple months I have been very ill, and thought maybe I would move on and try something else. So as you can see I am no longer on A Time For Primitives. I enjoyed my time there. Remember to drop by still see all the new goodies each month they have for you. http://www.atimeforprimitives.com/
Lots of talented folks on there.
Good luck to Candy and everyone on ATFP.


HowlingMoonDesigns said...

Hi Sandra..I was sorry to see ya go! I understand and Health comes first..But you're always welcome back, whenever you want :)

Unknown said...

I hope you get well soon Sandra you are a awesome artist

Linda said...

Oh,sweetie,I wondered where you had been. I will keep you in my prayers.

Sandra Caldwell said...

Thanks everyone for all the well wishes...I am feeling a lot better...and hope to be creating again soon.