Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Grandson's ...California Pumpkin Patch Trip ...

I don't have any pictures ... hope to get some later....but this past weekend we took my 3 year old grandson to the Pumpkin Patch...Oh he had a ball...He rode a horse, went to the petting zoo ( goats, sheep, cows, and donkey) rode the pumpkin train, ate Cotton Candy, and Shaved ice ( which we needed...it was 102 degrees) And he shot the pumpkin air gun...that shoot little tiny pumpkins at bats and ghosts and old cars. He climbed the tractor sand hill....and went thru the corn field maze. Panned for gold and jewels. A raced on a tricyle speedway. He just loved it...Of course my DH and I were so tired.

Very good time....

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